Learning outcomes
- Book handling, attitude towards the books
- Visual competence: observation of the details
- Linguistic competences: speaking skills
- Critical thinking
Target group
3 years and up- Individual work
Work in pairs
- Individual work
Required materials
- Book: “Through the Lens: National Geographic’s Greatest Photographs”
- Camera
- Computer
- Printer

(.pdf 265.05 KB)
Description of the activity (step by step)
Set up the photo book “Through the Lens: National Geographic Greatest Photographs” in the book center. Observe whether the children will notice the book and reach for it.
In the beginning, let the children independently examine the photos in the book and only observe their responses and listen to the comments. If needed, remind them of the rules for handling books. Then invite the children to look through the book together and encourage them by asking open-ended questions (“What do you see in the photo?” “What do you think they do?” “What would you do if you were in this place?” “What do you like best in the photo?”). Document (write down and record) the children’s answers.
Select the photos children like the most and copy and paste them in a visible place in the playroom together or insert them into the children's albums along with their written statements.
Variations and additional ideas
You can offer a book with photos with a specific topic (animals, portraits, cities, and nature).
Combine the activity with art: Invite children to draw/paint the same motif as in the photo.
You can keep track of how often children reach for photo-books and observe if it is always the same children that reach for books or different.
Observe which motives are most interesting to the children and use them for different activities in different areas.
Background information and didactical perspective
Children like to look at books, different magazines, etc. They are especially interested in books that are different, both in size and content, from the ordinary children’s books – e.g. Encyclopaedias, Atlases, etc.