Short description of the topic
Children take photos of each other to create a classroom family tree. They discuss their rights and obligations in the group.
Learning outcomes
- Social competences: cooperation, teamwork
- Artistic competence: fostering creativity
- Motor competence: cutting, drawing …
- Social-emotional competence: rights and obligations within a group
- Digital and media competence: using basic photography and computer skills
Target group
4 years and up- In groups
Required materials
- Camera
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Scissors
- Glue
- Pens
- Markers
- Photographs

(.pdf 191.58 KB)
Description of the activity (step by step)
Explain to the children that you will create a classroom tree together. You can tell them what family trees are and say that your kindergarten group is a kind of family too. Think together about what kind of tree you could make, how it should look like, etc.
The students take turns photographing each other and make sure all of them are photographed. They can take photos of each other freely or you can choose a background for the photos together.
Upload the photos onto the computer. Each child can choose the picture of her or him that should be added to the family tree. Print the selected photos.
The children (if needed, with your assistance) cut out the design for their classroom family tree and decorate it the way they like. They can cut out their photos and glue them onto the tree. The children discuss with each other how to decorate the tree and where to put it up.
Ask children how they liked taking photos of their friends and how they felt being photographed themselves. How do they feel to be part of the classroom family tree? What does it mean to be part of a group? Does this mean they have any obligations for others in the group? Which ones?
Background information and didactical perspective
The classroom family tree can give children a sense of belonging to the group. It will help them better understand their rights and obligations within the group.