Short description of the topic
This activity is suitable for periods when children are not in the kindergarten (e.g. during vacations or lockdown). It encourages them to photograph at home and share the photos in the kindergarten online space.
Learning outcomes
- Digital and media competence: taking a photo with a camera or a mobile phone, save photos to your computer or camera, how to e-mail a photo
Target group
5 years and up- Individual work
Required materials
- Camera
- Computer

(.pdf 414.95 KB)
Description of the activity (step by step)
Greet parents and children in the online playroom through a notification.
Present the photography activities that took place in the kindergarten.
Address the children in the memo and invite them to present and discuss the photography activities that they did to their parents.
Encourage them to take photos of objects, activities, family members, and other things at home and send them to you via e-mail with the help of their parents. Motivate parents to take part.
Collect the photos that children submitted. Once you return to the kindergarten, talk together about the photos and the activities that took place. Children will relive the time they were at home and reminisce about the photos taken.
Variations and additional ideas
Children can photograph certain motives (e.g.: animals, family members, etc.).
Children can take pictures of parts/pieces of an item and use it as a puzzle for their peers when they return to the Kindergarten – or the puzzle can be introduced to other parents and children by the teacher.
Background information and didactical perspective
In kindergarten, one of the ways of communicating with parents is through online playrooms/classrooms. Parents sign up with an email address and a password which allows them to access the online space for their kindergarten group. Registration of parents is voluntary but highly desirable, as it enables quick transfer of the information regarding the kindergarten or the group that their child goes to. During vacations or emergencies (e.g. lockdown), children stay at home. The teacher informs parents via the online playroom about various topics – general information, activities in the group, or uploads photos.
Nowadays, most of the children have the skills to use a wide variety of electronic devices. Our job is to encourage them that the time that they spend on the devices is educational, creative, and meaningful.